To Do Lists



Dr. David Cohen writes that people make lists for three main reasons.

  1. They dampen anxiety about the chaos of life

  2. They give us a structure & a plan that we can stick to

  3. They are proof of what we have achieved that day, week or month

Making to do list actually takes part of the burden off of your brain. When you write your to do items down, it frees your brain to focus on the task at hand allowing you to be more efficient. Your brain isn’t trying to remember a million different things and that allows it to complete the tasks much quicker then before. Writing down your to do list is scientifically proven to help better your efficiency through a study conducted in 1927 by a Russian Psychologist, Bluma Zeigarnik. Additionally, the feeling of completing other tasks and “crossing them off” allows the brain to be free of distractions; therefore, allowing your efficiency to improve.

Essentially making lists = boosted efficiency

Both of the articles referenced are linked below as well as a downloadable notepad template! You can print it out on your computer (there are two of them- the “This Week’s Schedule” and “To Do List” or order a notepad like I did from a printer like Shutterfly! (link below)

Happy List Making & Thanks for Reading,


Click Here for the Downloadable Notepad Template

Click Here for the Forbes Article

Click Here for the Dr. Cohen Article

Click Here for Shutterfly Notepad